Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Read This Article if You Want to Be a Millionaire
Everyone wants to be a millionaire, yet many people are millionaires on paper or they control a million dollars worth of property. Some look like they are millionaires, but indeed if they paid off all their loans for the money they borrowed well they would have a negative balance in net worth. Meaning they would be poorer than a street bum. Indeed this is rather funny for someone living in a nice home, driving nice cars and eating in fancy restaurants isnt it?
Do you want to be a millionaire, a real millionaire? Do you want it so bad that you buy lottery tickets too? Do you find this kind of funny? You know you will not win, but you pay to play, because you like to imagine yourself winning? So, chances are you are one of the many millions who want to be a millionaire, admit it. You know you can be a millionaire quite easily if you are careful with your money and would not be such a spend thrift? Whats the matter you do not want to read any further? What did I get to you?
You know if you charge up a storm and pay interest the wrong way you will never get there. Why do you do these self-defeating things, which are keeping you from being the millionaire you want to be? Why are you so self-destructive and why do you go on this way? Working hard is not enough you have to be smart about your money and not waste your earning, inheritance or winnings on trivial crap and paying interest the wrong way to your addiction to plastic. That is the first thing you need to do, change your mindset. Think on this.